In beach volleyball, an action that does not conform to the rules is a fault. If a player or team commits several faults in succession, only the first fault is penalized. However, if opposing players commit several faults at the same time, it is considered a double fault, and they have to repeat the rally.

To clarify what actions do not conform to the rules, let's take a closer look at the different faults. All faults that are listed here result in a point win for the opposing team and a change of serve. A peculiarity upfront, unlike in volleyball, there are no positional errors in beach volleyball.

Serving faults

The serving order is noted on the game sheet before the game and is valid for the entire set. Once a team has won the right of service, the players must rotate on the positions. If a team serves in the wrong order, it is considered a fault.

Further faults on serve occur when the ball is "out," the ball is played into the net, or the fielder takes the opponent's view of the ball (view block).

Faults while playing the ball

As already mentioned, players are only allowed to touch the ball three times. If there is a fourth touch, this is considered a fault. The same applies if

  • a player touches the ball twice in direct succession,
  • plays the ball in attack with the fingers of an open hand,
  • makes an attack hit immediately after the service when the ball is entirely above the top of the net,
  • a player takes an object to help him touch the ball
  • or if he holds the ball and throws it.

As with the serve, if a player hits the ball into the "out," it is a fault.

Faults at net

If a player has contact with the net between the antennas during a rally, it is a fault. Other faults at the net are touching the opponent or the ball in the opponent's half and influencing the opponent's game by entering the opponent's half.

Faults when blocking

An action while blocking can be punished as a fault in beach volleyball for four reasons:

  • The ball is touched before or at the same time as an attack hit in the opponent's half.
  • The ball is blocked in the opponent's half outside the antennas.
  • The serve is blocked.
  • The ball is played through a block into the "out."

By the way, you can find the most beautiful beach volleyball courts with our app

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