This year's beach volleyball season is coming to an end, but preparations for the new season are already underway. In the future we will get support from fairplaid, Toyota and Ethikbank.

The first BeachUp season is coming to an end, and thanks to your support, we have could improve the app quite a bit. But we are not resting on our laurels and continue to work diligently.
New features for the upcoming season
We are not only improving already existing features, but we are also working on new ideas. We'll tell you exactly what those are over the next year, but you can already look forward to some useful new features. We're also working on a Pro version, which will allow you to use the app even more extensively.
fairplaid, Toyota and Ethikbank
Until now, we have been developing and financing the app on our own, but that's over now! We got our first partner with Ethikbank. In addition, thanks to crowdfunding from fairplaid and Toyota (and your support), we can cover the costs for BeachUp for the upcoming year. This support will allow us to take even more time to work on the app and provide you with a better user experience. At this point, we would like to thank all our supporters once again!
As always, please send us your feedback. We love to hear what you think about the app, what's good, and where there is room for improvement.