We improved almost every aspect of the app throughout the last few months. Find out what's new.

We spend a lot of time over the last couple of months to improve almost every aspect of the app.
Public events
BeachUp was originally designed to create private games with friends and colleagues, and use the community to search for additional players. To be more valuable to every beach volleyball player, we've now also added public events. Public events can be public trainings, tournaments, or open games that everyone can join.
Information about your current location
Before this update, the app was showing you information about your defined home zone. Now you can additionally see everything that's going wherever you are at the moment. This makes it much easier to find people to play with when you're on the go.
Redesigned home screen
We totally redesigned the home screen to show more relevant information at a glance. In addition to your upcoming games, you can now also see courts close to your search area, as well as upcoming public events that you could join.
Improved login experience
We redesigned the login page, to make it easier to register or log in to the app. This is more relevant for new users, but nice to have anyway.
Improved contact management
It is now easier to find and add contacts to your contact list. BeachUp will give you suggestions about people in your home zone. Additionally, you can use the new search to find for players you know.
Like the improvements? Let us know what you think, your feedback is always appreciated.